High-level Dialogue on Eco-labelling in Georgia

The high-level dialogue on Eco-labelling in Georgia took place on 25 October 2022.

The objectives of this event were to:

  • leverage the discussion on eco-labelling high in the governmental agenda to support ecolabelling system development in Georgia;
  • raise awareness of the Georgian authority, business associations, national stakeholders on eco-labelling, etiquette, certification of bio-production and quality mark etc.;
  • promote eco-labelling as an efficient tool on access of information to individuals, as well as a tool for SPP;
  • promote eco-labelling as a strategical tool to increase access to different markets (i.e. the EU market);
  • ensure awareness and full support of ecolabelling practices in Georgia as an efficient way to meet commitments of Georgia under the EU Association Agreement and numerous environmental multilateral agreements.


The high-level representatives of the Georgian governmental institutions, business associations, national stakeholders, as well as the EU Delegation and UNEP.


Within EU4Environment, UNEP in close cooperation with the Environmental Information and Education Centre (EIEC) implements a set of activities on promotion of ecolabelling system development in Georgia. In particular, the report prepared to analyse the national legislative acts regarding eco-labelling including primary and secondary legislation, the international treaties which impose obligations related to the eco-labelling in Georgia and the similar to eco-labelling system that is functioning in Georgia – Etiquette. Labels (Etiquette) provide information about the accreditation bodies operating in Georgia, those are voluntary scheme, such as BioProduction. The report was circulated among different state authorities and stakeholders.

Agenda (English | Georgian).

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