Launching event – National Waste Management Strategy 2016-2030 and National Waste Management Action Plan 2022-2026

“National Waste Management Strategy 2016-2030 and National Waste Management Action Plan 2022-2026” launching event took place on 13 December 2022 in Tbilisi, Georgia. The objective of the meeting was to invite the donor/partner organisations to discuss:

  • Harmonization of foreign aids with the priorities of the revised National Waste Management Strategy 2016-2030 and the National Waste Management Action Plan 2022-2026 of Georgia
  • Ensuring the coordination and avoiding the overlap between the domains of donor assistance
  • Further development of the existing cooperation and tailored fundraising

The meeting gathered participants from EU delegation; Embassies and donor organizations; Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Ministry of Finance of Georgia, Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs, Tbilisi Municipality, Government of Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Solid Waste Management Company of Georgia (SWMCG), EBRD, KfW, WB and CSOs.


The National Waste Strategy and Action Plan 2022 – 2026 was adopted in August 2022 with the support of the EU-funded EU4Environment regional programme.

EU4Environment is supporting the Eastern Partnership countries in promoting development of comprehensive sustainable waste management policies and policy instruments. Addressing countries’ overarching waste management challenges, it will contribute to develop comprehensive sustainable waste management policies and policy instruments, responding to the request of countries. More specifically, under Activity 2.4.1 Develop draft of action plan for national waste management, UNEP has provided technical assistance and stakeholder consultation in Georgia through supporting the update of National Waste Management Strategy 2016-2030 and National Waste Management Action Plan 2022-2026, which incorporates modified targets and address issues of bio-degradable and hazardous waste, as well as the requirements for the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).


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