Meeting of the Inter-ministerial Working Group on Sustainable Development and Green Economy

The meeting of the National Implementation Committee of EU4Environment in the Republic of Moldova took place on 10 September 2021.  

Meeting objectives, expected outputs and outcomes were:

  • Presenting the current state of the implementation of EU4Environment in Moldova in 2021;
  • Presentation of detailed workplans for the last 4 months of 2021 and general activity plans for 2022;
  • Presentation of the country workplan for the Result 4 for 2021-2022 (the World Bank);
  • Presentation of the final evaluation of the implementation of the Program on the promotion of Green Economy for 2018-2020 and proposals for update and extension for 2022-2024;
  • Presentation of the information paper on the EU Green Deal and the Republic of Moldova;
  • Ensure synergies with other international projects/programmes under implementation in Moldova and in the region;
  • Informing EU4Environment implementing partners about the possibilities and needs regarding the implementation of the EU4Environment programme in Moldova (and at the regional level, as appropriate);
  • Other discussion items.


The meeting gathered the following participants: State secretaries (EU4Environment NFPs/Co-chairs from MEI and MARDE), Members of the NIC/WG on SD and GE/NIC of EU4Environment in Moldova, representatives of governmental agencies, MEI, MARDE, ODIMM, APP, AEE, academic sector, environmental NGOs, representatives EC (DG NEAR, DG Environment), Delegation of the EU in RM, representatives of Implementing Partners (OECD, UNEP, UNECE, UNIDO and the WB).

Meeting documents:

Agenda (EnglishRomanian)

Summary Record (English | Romanian)

Presentation slides:

Progress in 2021, detailed plans for September-December 2021 and general plans for 2022

Programul pentru promovarea economiei verzi

Rolul grupului de lucru privind ecologizarea IPT

Indicatorii creșterii verzi 



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