High-level meeting of the EU4Environment National Implementation Committee: Launching of the Green Growth Indicators Report and web platform

The high-level Meeting of the EU4Environment National Implementation Committee: Launching of the Green Growth Indicators Report and web platform in Moldova took place on 18 February 2022.

The meeting objectives were:

  • Launch of the Report on Green Growth Indicators and web platform in Moldova, the first among the Eastern Partner countries;
  • Progress on implementing EU4Environment in Moldova in 2021 and plans for 2022-2023.


The meeting gathered the following participants: Ministers/State secretaries (EU4Environment NFPs/Co-chairs from MEI and MARDE), Members of the NIC/WG on SD and GE/NIC of EU4Environment in Moldova, representatives of governmental agencies, MEI, MARDE, ODIMM, APP, AEE, academic sector, environmental NGOs, representatives EC (DG NEAR, DG Environment), Delegation of the EU in RM, representatives of Implementing Partners (OECD, UNEP, UNECE, UNIDO and the WB).


The previous Meeting of the WG/NIC took place on September 9, 2021. The meeting was in a virtual format and attended by EC, EUD, all EU4Environment Implementing Partners, EU4Environment NFPs and NIC/WG members and NGOs from Moldova. The implementation of EU4Environment project in Moldova in 2021 and presentation of detailed plans/activities under EU4Environment sub-components for September-December 2021 and general plans for 2022, including regional EU4Environment events were presented, examined and approved.

Meeting Documents

Agenda (English | Romanian)

Summary Record (English | Romanian)

Related Materials

Report “Towards Green Transformation of the Republic of Moldova: State of Play” (English | Romanian)

Video on Green Growth Indicators (with Romanian subtitles)

EU4Environment work plan for the Republic of Moldova 2022

Country profile (English | Romanian)

EU4Environment brochure: mid-term progress

Meeting Presentations

Item 2. Monitoring green transition in the Republic of Moldova based on the green growth indicators – State of play in 2021: Launch of a New report and web platform (EU4Environment Activity 5.3)

Introduction to the GGIs framework and EU4Environment Activity 5.3 (Krzysztof Michalak, OECD)

Snapshot of the main findings of the report and presentation of the web platform (Adrian Lupusor, Expert-Grup)

Item 3. Implementation of EU4Environment in Moldova in 2021 and plans for 2022-23

EU4Environment Progress in 2021 and Plans for 2022-23 (EU4Environment implementing partners)

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