European Forum for Judges for the Environment (EUFJE) is open to membership from the EaP countries

The European Forum for Judges for the Environment (EUFJE) aims to contribute to better implementation and enforcement of national, European and international environmental law. EUFJE members can be administrative, criminal, civil judges or courts at all levels of the judiciary, experienced or interested in handling environmental cases.

Its work is relevant for the EU4Environment activities on Environmental Compliance Assurance and Liability Regimes, especially for the enforcement aspect. EUFJE has facilitated the participation of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries in its virtual annual conference on “Air Pollution Law” in October 2020.

EUFJE is open to membership from judges and courts the EaP countries. Membership in the Forum would help build capacity among environmental judges, provide access to good EU practices and training material as well as networking opportunities.

Any inquiries in regards to membership can be sent to the Head of the EUFJE secretariat, Ms. Farah Bouquelle:

Published on 23/03/2021

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