Green Economy online training for Armenia

In March, the American University of Armenia (AUA) Acopian Center for the Environment launched the implementation of the Green Economy Online Training for Armenia, a project funded by the EU4Environment program and implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

The Acopian Center has developed a platform that hosts the “Introduction to Green Economy” online course, developed by UNEP and the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) aimed at civil servants, environment managers, researchers, and others interested. The course introduces the basic concepts, policy instruments and international frameworks of inclusive green economies. It comprises five modules: the rationale for advancing an inclusive green economy; focus on the instruments that enable conditions for structural change; introduction to key sectors with high greening potential; strategies and planning methods for reaching policy objectives; and international frameworks and initiatives that support an inclusive green economy.

This tuition-free e-learning course is designed to equip learners to develop a mental compass as they seek answers to basic questions about inclusive green economies. The Center will develop a roadmap for continued promotion of this course and other green economy e-learning content in Armenia.

For more information about the project, please visit:

The AUA Acopian Center for the Environment, a research center of the American University of Armenia (AUA), promotes the protection and restoration of the natural environment through research, education, and community outreach. The AUA Acopian Center’s focus areas include sustainable natural resource management, biodiversity protection and conservation, greening the built environment, sustainable energy, as well as information technology and the environment. Visit

Published on 28/06/2023

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