
Sustainable Public Procurement and eco-labelling in Armenia

Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) changes the way in which our governments purchase goods and services, thereby driving markets towards sustainability and innovation.

UNEP, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, and with support from the Regional Environmental Centre for Caucasus in Armenia and Green Transition NGO (as well as other stakeholders), implements a set of activities on promotion and application of SPP and eco-labelling. It includes:

  • review of the legislative frameworks to prepare recommendations on how SPP and eco-labelling provisions can be introduced into legislative acts;
  • prioritisation of products for SPP pilot tenders followed by elaboration of the sustainability criteria for selected product categories;
  • preparation of awareness raising and training materials on the SPP benefits and organization of communication events for different target audiences on SPP and eco-labelling.


The training workshop on promoting Sustainable Public Procurement and Eco-labelling was held in Armenia to introduce the UNEP’s methodology on SPP to national stakeholders and to discuss the role of SPP and eco-labelling principles in the context of shifting to a green economy.

Related documents and reports on:

Achievements on SPP and eco-labelling in Armenia (English | Armenian)

Sustainable Public Procurement



What we need to know about eco-labelling? (English | Armenian)

Sustainable Public Procurement (English)

Published on 27/07/2023 inБрошюры

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