Introducing Circular Economy in Azerbaijan: building on implementing the Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production in manufacturing enterprises

The page is available in Azerbaijani.

As part of the activities on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) under the EU4Environment Action funded by the European Union, UNIDO organized a national conference on 13 May 2024.


The conference aimed to highlight and promote resilience and green growth in Azerbaijani enterprises by showcasing the benefits of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in the transition to a Circular Economy. Additionally, the event provided an opportunity to discuss and share experiences, tools, and programmes on greening Azerbaijani Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) through six sessions.


The target audience was comprised of stakeholders engaged in green economic development in Azerbaijan, including Government, international, and civil society organizations. It was also organised to engage representatives of MSMEs, including industrial enterprises; businesses, experts in the fields of engineering (chemical, industrial, environmental) and energy; members of academia, as well as practitioners from EU4Environment (2021-2024) and EaP GREEN (2013-2017) Actions (RECP Clubs’ members and RECP Demonstration Companies, RECP experts).


Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) is an umbrella term used for the application of preventative environmental strategies to processes, goods, and services to improve the industrial sector’s efficiency and lower risks to people and the environment. UNIDO developed the RECP methodology to assist enterprises in identifying, evaluating, and reducing their resource usage while eradicating losses, increasing resilience, and enhancing productivity and competitiveness.

For more information, please contact Ms. Tatiana Chernyavskaya, UNIDO Project Manager:


Press Release (English | Azerbaijani)

Presentations slides:

Session 1. Is circular economy becoming a reality in Azerbaijan?/ Ensuring the right policy and regulatory framework/COP29

RECP legacy as a stepping stone for circular economy (Johannes Fresner, UNIDO)

Engery efficiency policy in Azerbaijan  (English | Azerbaijani)  (Asaf Rzayev, Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan)

Azerbaijan Renewable Energy Sector (Fagan Abdurahmanov,  Azerbaijan Renewable Energy Agency)

Session 2. Promoting efficiency in production processes

Regulatory framework greening SMEs in the Eastern Partnership (Krzysztof Michalak, OECD)

EU4Environment RECP Project – work performed in Azerbaijan (EnglishAzerbaijani) (Asya Chalabova, UNIDO National RECP Partner)

Presentations of business cases from the Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production
demonstration companies and members of RECP Clubs in Azerbaijan:

Accelerating the Cement Industry’s Path to Net-Zero in Azerbaijan (Elvin Mirzayev, NORM OJSC)

Technical feasibility, simple payback time, NPV calculation, potential finance, action plan (Javanshir Abdullayev, Business and Financing Development Expert)

Session 3: Circularity for value chains and new business models

Municipal Solid Waste Management in Azerbaijan (Farman Aliyev, Tamiz Shahar OJSC)

Use of industrial waste mapping for SMEs in Azerbaijan (English | Azerbaijani) (Mr. Tofig Hasanov, RECP Expert)

Introduction of Eco-Industrial Parks (Tatiana Chernyavskaya, UNIDO)

EBRD in Azerbaijan (Elmin Ibrahimov, EBRD)

Session 4. Speeding up products’ redesign and digitalization

Presenting PEF in the Eastern Partnership (Tatiana Chernyavskaya, UNIDO)

Greening business through SPP (Lesya Nikolayeva, UNEP)

Session 5. Institutionalization of RECP in Azerbaijan

Memorandum of Cooperation with UNEC, RECP handbook for academic year 2024-25 (English | Azerbaijani) (Mirlazim Dadashov, UNEC)

RECP Clubs future prospects (English | Azerbaijani) (Gulnar Maharramova, UNEC)


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