The bilateral meeting on the preliminary findings of the environmental compliance assurance review of Armenia took place on 28 June 2021.
Meeting objectives, expected outputs and outcomes
The main objective of the meeting was to present and discuss the main findings of the review, and to discuss the next steps on the finalisation of the review as well as on strengthening the environmental compliance assurance system in Armenia. At this meeting, the OECD Secretariat presented preliminary results of the environmental compliance assurance review of Armenia. The Armenian stakeholders, including the Ministry of Environment and the Environmental Protection and Mining Inspection Body of Armenia (EPMIB), were invited to provide comments and additional information for the review.
Participants included representatives from Armenia’s Ministry of Environment and the EPMIB, the OECD Secretariat, and compliance assurance professionals from European countries.
Within the framework of EU4Environment Action, the OECD has prepared a draft review of Armenia’s environmental compliance assurance system. This review takes stock of the various components of the environmental compliance assurance chain, including the legislative and institutional framework, environmental monitoring activities, enforcement and promotion of environmental compliance, identifies gaps and provides recommendations for improvement by benchmarking the situation in Armenia against good international practice, particularly that of the EU. The review was prepared based on desk research and virtual interviews with
stakeholders in Armenia carried out in the period July 2020 – March 2021.
Meeting documents