Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment
To prevent and mitigate damage to the environment and health from the economic growth, EU4Environment assists the EaP countries in enhancing their environmental assessment systems. To this end, this component of EU4Environment aims to consolidate national environmental frameworks in the beneficiary countries to reach full compliance with the international requirements, namely the UNECE Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment, the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention) and the EU directives on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). It supports as well the countries in building adequate capacities for the effective and systematic application of SEA and transboundary EIA.
This will contribute to improving environmental governance in the beneficiary countries by enhancing more informed, transparent, participatory and accountable decision-making, cross-sectoral cooperation, public participation and stakeholder consultation. The more effective and systematic application of SEA and transboundary EIA will enable the countries to prevent or mitigate environmental and health impacts of their economic growth as green economy targets, sustainability issues and climate change aspects become integrated into strategic and territorial planning, project development, and related decision-making processes. Finally, transboundary and regional cooperation in assessing environmental impacts of economic and regional development will be promoted.
This work is implemented by UNECE.