
In the past decade, progress has been made in achieving green growth goals in the Republic of Moldova (hereinafter Moldova). The 2020 National Development Strategy and other strategic documents (Environmental Strategy for 2014-23, the National Strategy for Sustainable Development of Agriculture in 2008-15) integrate green economy objectives. In 2015, the National Programme for the Promotion of the Green Economy was launched to guide government efforts to green economic development.

The efforts to green the Moldova’s economy have been reinforced by the establishment of the Inter-ministerial Working Group on Sustainable Development and Green Economy and the development of the Road Map on Green Economy which outlined short- and medium-term actions for 2018- 2020 and of the Environmental Strategy for the period 2014-2023. An Association Agreement and a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) was signed with the EU in 2014 to activate structural reforms and to harmonise its legislation with the EU acquis communautaire.

EU4Environment is helping Moldova develop green investment strategies, finalise the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) laws, implement Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in SMEs activities, assess Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) and eco-labelling, develop waste management strategy, contribute to green innovation, strengthen green regulations for enterprises and compliance assurance, reinforce policy dialogues on green finance and investment, support public environmental expenditure management, greening SMEs, assess and reinforce administrative capacity and develop Green Growth Indicators (GGIs).

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