RECP Stakeholders Group meeting on the Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) activities in Armenia

The meeting took place in person on 28 June 2022.

The aim of the RECP Stakeholders Group meeting was to present the current results of the Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) activities taking place under the EU-funded EU4Environment Action in Armenia, and to discuss their application in selected industries: food/agriculture (including fish farming), construction materials, and the production of chemicals (including plastic). On this occasion, the event aimed to share the industries’ experiences and discuss the recommendations on the possibility to further support RECP and Circular Economy promotion in Armenia among manufacturing enterprises, in their supply chains, and in other related businesses with support of the related stakeholder organizations-members of the RECP Stakeholders Group.


The meeting gathered around 20 participants-members of the RECP Stakeholders Group from the government, business sector, civil society, and other key institutional stakeholders. It was attended by the Ministries of Environment and Economy (the national focal points of the Action), the EU Delegation in Armenia, the national and international partners of the EU4Environment Action, including UNIDO, and representatives of other profile organizations and programmes in the country.


The activities related to RECP are part of the Results 2 “Circular Economy and New Growth Opportunities” of the EU-funded EU4Environment Action. These activities aim to:

  • deliver RECP capacity building and demonstration programs to professionals and entrepreneurs, as well as technical assistance to industries in the adoption of RECP measures, promoting a transition to Circular Economy.
  • promote RECP implementation and scaling up among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) by extending the national capacity through demonstration audits in selected manufacturing enterprises.
  • promote RECP and Circular Economy principles and practices based on best international and national experiences.



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