Needs and Opportunities for Implementing Circular Economy (CE) at the Company Level
The webinar took place on 03 November 2021.
The aim of the webinar was to provide assistance in the formulation and identification of appropriate measures for implementing CE principles at the company level (relevant for various industry sectors within the private sector of the Belarusian economy), as well to develop the necessary supporting regulation and policy measures for implementing CE as a new business model.
Webinar objectives
The participants:
- got acquainted with the concept of CE and the basic conditions and requirements for implementing it at the enterprise level in various sectors of the economy;
- familiarized themselves with the economic conditions and complete cost estimates related to the assessment of resource and products’ life cycle in an enterprise;
- identified the existing problems and risks related to the implementation process of CE as a business model for Belarusian enterprises;
- learnt about the current requirements in the product’s sales market and in the supply chain system (in connection with the introduction of CE principles) for private enterprises, especially SMEs.
The target audience for this webinar consisted of managers and technical specialists from various enterprises, mostly SMEs, representing different sectors of the economy in Belarus. A special focus was given to the engagement of the private sector, and resource efficiency and cleaner production (RECP) experts, representatives of research institutions and universities, consultancy and project organizations, and NGOs. Representatives of the other Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries, participating in the EU4Environment Action and interested in promoting CE in their countries are also invited to join the webinar to benefit from the online format of the event.
The first steps to introduce a business model of Circular Economy in the Republic of Belarus have been based on the adopted legal requirements for saving resources, for increasing energy efficiency and energy conservation, and the measures to promote the principles of “green” economy. Currently, the country has begun developing regional programmes and “roadmaps” for implementing Circular Economy approaches for the next five years. These approaches are necessary to further ensure compliance with the sustainable development of the country’s economy (especially for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and the private sector), compliance with international requirements (especially in the field of climate protection), as well as to increase the competitiveness of national products on foreign markets. Therefore, the enterprises need to implement modern technological solutions in the field of energy and resource efficiency, water consumption and wastewater discharging, waste management, processes and products design (and the application of methods and principles of Circular Economy), all while taking into account their impact on the environment.
Currently, the implementation and development of CE principles in the Republic of Belarus takes place within the framework of the European Union funded, EU4Environment Action, and the Action’s activities related to Circular Economy.
Meeting documents