On 10 July 2020, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) – one of EU4environment implementing partners – organized the online workshop on Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) and Eco-labelling in Ukraine. The main provision of Law of Ukraine “On Public Procurement” came into force in April 2020. The new Law includes references to environmental characteristics and criteria such as energy and resource efficiency, environmental labelling, non-price criteria and life cycle costing as well as the enhanced social dimensions. Furthermore, the participants learnt about the results of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) GREEN project completed in 2017 as well as further progress on the development of sustainability criteria for several products groups under other similar projects. The sustainability criteria were elaborated for several products, among others, including detergents and cleaning products; paint and varnish materials; thermal insulation materials; road repair; and for two products on energy efficiency.
During the workshop, the currently available two Ukrainian eco-labels – the Green Crane and Green Star – were presented and critically analysed, alongside international labels that are also being used in the country. The participants discussed possible next steps on SPP and eco-labelling in the framework of EU4Environment in Ukraine, including support in development of governmental procedures for establishing additional SPP criteria for further product groups; support in integrating the SPP criteria into the government’s e-procurement (ProZorro) system; development of the SPP monitoring and reporting system; assistance in launching new pilot tenders; and capacity development of business sectors to respond to such tenders.
Over fifty participants (72 registered) attended this workshop including the representatives from the Ministry of Ecology and Environmental Protection of Ukraine, Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine as well as e-procurement ProZorro team, the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine, civil society, NGOs, other national stakeholders and international organizations (such as UNIDO, UNECE, UNDP, World Bank, GIZ).