Transition to Eco-Industrial Parks: from theory to practice
The workshop was organized on 02 December 2020 from 10:00 to 12:30 Central European Time (CET) through Zoom platform.
The main outcomes of the workshop were:
• To raise awareness among key stakeholders in the Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asian countries on the approach and benefits of implementing the eco-industrial parks
• To share international experiences on the implementation of Eco-Industrial Parks (EIPs)
• To bring together decision-makers, specialized professionals, and members of academia to tap into possible synergies amongst institutions
The participants learnt:
• Key concepts on the EIPs
• Instruments on the application of the International EIP Framework
• Examples of the application of EIPs
The target audience for this workshop was composed of staff from government institutions, personnel of Industrial Parks management entities, key tenant companies from industrial parks/zones, resource efficiency and cleaner production centers, professionals carrying activities in the field of Industrial Parks development, NGOs and research institutions.
Eco-Industrial Parks, or simply put, EIP, have been increasingly recognized in the recent years as an effective tool to overcome the challenges related to inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
EIP provides a solid institutional framework for creating modern services and physical (and even social) infrastructures, having thus a multiplier effect upon the cluster of enterprises which they host. In turn, the companies too can foster innovation, technological learning, and growth, as well as job creation and social development.
Meeting documents: