The EU4Green Recovery East programme will support the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries to accelerate their development based on a growth model that is greener, more inclusive, and more resilient. With an EU contribution of EUR 21,3 million, this multi-country programme, to be implemented in 2025-2028, will focus on policy reforms and capacity development measures in support of the EaP’s priorities and its Economic and Investment Plan (EIP), in particular as concerns environment and climate resilience.
The overall objective of the EU4Green Recovery East programme is to promote an environmentally and climate resilient development of the partner countries and contribute towards the EIP implementation. In the Team Europe spirit, the programme will use synergies with other initiatives and projects funded by the EU Member States and IFIs. It will build on the achievements of previous support provided by the EU as part of regional and bilateral portfolios, in particular the EU4Environment programme.
The programme includes five components as follows:
- circular economy promotion along the full lifecycle approaches;
- pollution reduction with a focus on water as a critical resource for the economy;
- legislative alignment with the European Green Deal, including, where relevant, with Chapter 27 of the EU acquis and facilitation of the accession process;
- integration into EU-wide environmental cooperation, and
- promotion of compliance with international commitments relevant for the Global Gateway Strategy and infrastructure modernisation.
The programme is complementary to bilateral and other regional activities funded by the EU, its Member States, and other donors. It will be implemented in the Team Europe spirit.
The programme will be carried out in the EU’s Eastern Partnership countries citizens of which are its ultimate beneficiaries.
The World Bank, one of the implementing partners of the EU4Environment – Green Economy, will keep implementing the activities on biodiversity and sustainable forestry until August 2026.