EU4Environment continued its work with the Public Procurement Agency in the Republic of Moldova to review progress on Sustainable Public Procurement since the EaP GREEN programme, and to draw practical lessons for future mainstreaming in the country. With support from International and National experts the draft assessment has been developed and its final version is expected by end of March 2021. Based on this assessment, one of the recommendations was to improve legal framework for SPP promotion. Thus, under UNEP supervision and in close cooperation with the Public Procurement Agency, International legal experts drafted Governmental Decree on SPP to be further submitted to the Government.
In the area of eco-labelling, the NGO EcoContact” prepared assessment of the eco-labelling system and the Roadmap that will be a basis to elaborate Regulation on Eco-labelling of the Republic of Moldova. Both assessment and Roadmap were presented and discussed with the stakeholders during the webinar on 18 December 2020. Currently, NGO EcoContact is drafting the Regulation.