Alternative schemes for implementing green public investment programmes. Experience from Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands

The webinar on “Alternative schemes for implementing green public investment programmes. Experience from Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands” took place on 22 June 2021.

Objectives of the Webinar were:

  • to facilitate knowledge transfer and experience-sharing between the EU and its Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries with regard to greening public expenditure;
  • to support countries in the EaP region in their efforts to prepare and launch green public support programmes with the aim of leveraging private investments into environment-friendly and socially important projects.

Content of the Webinar, Speakers and Target Audience

  • The invited experts represented private sector companies or non-profit organisations from Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands, which act as managing agencies for environmental programmes using public funds.
  • The speakers presented the implementation schemes that can be regarded as alternative implementation structures to a more conventional use of public environmental funds. The content of the webinar was particularly focused on to what extent the outsourcing of these services can support public authorities with limited administrative capacities in reaching the country’s environmental and climate-related goals.
  • The invited audience was local public authorities (national, regional or local level), environmental NGOs and private sector active in this area, as well as environmental experts from the EaP countries.

Meeting documents


Presentation slides

Brief introduction to programmatic approach in public environmental expenditure (David Simek, OECD)

Water and sanitation sector support scheme – water management in Austria (Johannes Laber, Kommunalkredit Public Consulting)

The Technology Fund – loan guarantees programme to Swiss enterpreneurs (Simone Riedel Riley, Emerald Technology Ventures)

The CO2 Performance Ladder in the Netherlands – certification scheme for private companies (Annemiek Lauwerijssen & Maud Vastbinder, Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement and Business)


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