Consultation event on eco-labelling in the Republic of Moldova

The consultation event on ecolabelling in the Republic of Moldova took place on 27 December 2022.

Objectives of the consultation event on ecolabelling were to:

  • Leverage the discussion on ecolabelling draft Regulation.
  • Collect opinions and feedbacks from the relevant stakeholders on the draft Regulation on ecolabelling.
  • Promote ecolabelling as an efficient tool on access of information to individuals, as well as a tool for SPP.
  • Promote ecolabelling as a strategical tool to increase access to different markets (i.e., the EU market).
  • Ensure awareness and full support of finalisation of the Regulation on ecolabelling and promote ecolabelling practices in the Republic of Moldova as an efficient way to meet commitments under the EU Association Agreement and numerous environmental multilateral agreements.


The consultation event brought together the responsible stakeholders for the implementation and application of ecolabelling mechanism as is foreseen in the draft Regulation on ecolabelling.

Format and questions to the panellists

The event was organised as a technical consultation workshop. The Ministry and experts involved in Regulation development presented point by point the draft Regulation in order to collect the inputs from the participants.


UNEP in close cooperation with the PA EcoContact implements a set of activities on promotion of eco-labelling system development in the Republic of Moldova. In particular, a comprehensive assessment of the legal framework of Moldova was prepared, identifying the current state related to the eco labelling, and existing laws facilitating the regulation and later implementation of eco labelling in the country. The only existing and currently functioning system of environmental labelling in Moldova is on organic labelling in the agriculture sector.

In order to understand better the application of the EU ecolabelling system, the document provides an analysis of the EU ecolabel with its specific particularities and summarises key challenges; as well as the most suitable institution that could accredit and be responsible for the eco-labelling issuance. The assessment is available in Romanian and English.

The Roadmap to align an eco-labelling system in Moldova was drafted to determine the objectives and measures to be taken to facilitate the transposition of the provisions set out in the EU Regulation on the Ecolabel (Regulation (EC) No 66/2010) in the Republic of Moldova. Largely, the roadmap is an action plan of successfully creating and implementing a voluntary national eco-labelling scheme. The Roadmap is available in Romanian and English.

Agenda (English | Romanian)


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