Designing and implementing green public investment programmes: Experience of EU countries with water supply and wastewater treatment in rural and remote areas

The webinar on “Experience on water supply and wastewater treatment in rural and remote areas” with a special focus on Azerbaijan took place on 28 January 2022.

The Objectives of the webinar were:

  • to facilitate knowledge transfer and experience-sharing between the EU and EaP countries concerning approaches on water supply and sanitation in remote areas
  • to facilitate knowledge transfer and experience-sharing between the EU and EaP countries concerning greening public expenditure
  • to support Azerbaijan and other EaP countries in leveraging private (non-state) investments into equipment and technologies that divert environmental and climate-related problems connected with the water supply.


The main objective of the project “Designing Green Public Investment Programme and Conducting Training in Azerbaijan” is to equip the government officials and experts in Azerbaijan with know-how and practical skills on designing a public environmental expenditure programme. Such programmes help to obtain adequate resources from the public budget and leverage international co-financing for its implementation. The project is implemented by the OECD in cooperation with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan.

The project provides technical assistance to increase the capacity of government authorities to better manage public environmental expenditure with a special focus on achieving the national objectives in the water supply sector. The proposed investment measures of the public support programme will aim to address a decline in supply of quality water. The programme will focus on enabling a more widespread use of non-standard water resources – in particular, the groundwater extraction and surface water catchment.

The project aims to direct programme development toward four main activity areas:

  1. Increase water abstraction/catchment volumes
  2. Increase available water storage capacities
  3. Ensure groundwater level recovery/increase
  4. Ensure efficient water supply.


Meeting presentations

Review of the market study prepared for the green public investment programme  (David Toft, Kommunalkredit Public Consulting)

The Romanian experience regarding the water and wastewater systems in rural areas (Adriana Pienaru, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest)

Small wastewater treatment facilities: Experience from Central Europe and Slovakia (Igor Bodík, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava)

The Austrian experience regarding the water and wastewater systems in rural and remote areas (Alexander Somer, Kommunalkredit Public Consulting)

For more information, please contact Mr David Simek:


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