“Green Economy – Made in Moldova: From Green Economy to the European Green Deal”

6th High Level National Round Table 

The High-Level National Round Table “GREEN ECONOMY – Made in Moldova” took place on 29 January 2021 through Zoom platform and Privesc.eu, 10:00 – 13:00 (EET, Chisinau time).

The meeting objectives were to:

  • promote the Green Economy Concept at the highest political level in Moldova and EaP countries, in all social-development sectors of the country, attracting the private sector, development partners, NGOs, media and the general public;
  • promote of European Green Deal objectives and priorities in Moldova and at the EaP regional level, including exchange of experiences between EaP countries on this issue;
  • present the contribution of the EU4Environment programme to the implementation of Green Economy principles in the EaP region;
  • increase awareness of stakeholders from businesses, governmental agencies and the general public on the application and benefits of the Green Economy principles for sustainable economic development.


The event gathered representatives from governmental agencies (MEI, MARDE, ODIMM), EC (DG NEAR, DG Env), EUD, EU4Environment IPs, NACs and beneficiaries, international organizations, embassies, businesses and enterprises / private sector, academic sector, environmental NGOs and experts, mass-media from Moldova and EaP countries.

The event was organized in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova and the Public Association EcoContact, with support from UNEP.

The meeting has been followed by almost 15 000 people! The event enjoyed wide media coverage and was transmitted on: ru.publika.md, news.ungheni.org, agora.md, unimedia.info, www.infotag.md, sanatateinfo.mdwww.publika.md, diez.md, www.independentaromana.roevenimentul.mdregional.mdru.diez.md.

Meeting documents:

Agenda (English | Romanian)

Meeting presentations:

Prez realizări EcoIMM Masa rotundă (Iulia Costin, ODIMM)

10 ani de promovare a economiei verzi în Republica Moldova (Andrei Isac, Coordonator Național, EU4Environment)

EU4Climate: Realizari vs Obiectivele PVE  (Veronica Lopotenco, EU4Climate/PNUD Moldova)

Eticheta ecologică a UE (Natalia Guranda, EcoContact)





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