The first meeting of the EU4Environment Regional Assembly took place on 27-28 June 2019 in Brussels, Belgium.
It took stock of the EU4Environment Programme inception period (Jan-June 2019) and discussed six initial country work plans for the Action implementation.
It brought together the National Focal Points from the Ministries of Environment and of Economy of the EaP countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine), the National Action Coordinators, representatives of the European Union and the Implementing Partners (OECD, UN Environment, UNECE, UNIDO and the World Bank), as well as other stakeholders.
The objectives of the EU4Environment Regional Assembly included:
- discussing the overall directions of the Action, its targets and expected results, governance arrangements, as well as key opportunities and challenges of implementation;
- taking stock of the Action’s baseline situation and lessons learned during the inception period;
- providing guidance on, and expressing commitments to, priorities and activities outlined in initial regional and country work plans for the Action implementation, and
- identifying specific measures needed to fully use synergies with other initiatives in the Eastern Partner countries.
Meeting documents:
Summary record in English / Summary record in Russian
Item 2. Regional Outlook: Introduction of initial regional and national implementation plans (Krzysztof Michalak, OECD)
Item 3. Greener decision-making (Result 1) (Rie Tsutsumi, UNEP), (Leonid Kalashnyk, UNECE)
Item 4. Circular economy and new growth opportunities (Result 2), (Carolina Gonzalez, UNIDO), (Alex Leshchynskyy, UNEP)
Item 5. An environmental level playing field (Result 3), (Krzysztof Michalak, OECD)
Item 6. Ecosystem services and livelihoods (Result 4), (Tuukka Castren, World Bank)
Item 7. Monitoring progress at environment-economy nexus (Result 5), (Krzysztof Michalak, OECD)
Photos from the Regional Assembly are available on Flickr.