Following EU4Environment consultations with the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine) in May-June 2020, the second meeting of the EU4Environment Regional Assembly was held virtually on 22 September 2020 via Zoom platform.
The objectives of the meeting included:
- taking stock of the Action’s implementation;
- discussing the country specific and regional work plans for 2020-21, including impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and
- updating on governance arrangements and progress on communication.
It brought together the National Focal Points from the Ministries of Environment and of Economy of EaP countries, the National Action Coordinators, representatives of European Union institutions (including the European External Action Service and EU Delegations), EU Member States, and the EU4Environment Implementing Partners (OECD, UNECE, UNEP, UNIDO and the World Bank). Representatives of civil society will be invited as observers.
Meeting documents:
Summary record in English / Summary record in Russian
Agenda in English / Agenda in Russian
Logistical note in English / Logistical note in Russian
Presentation slides:
Item 1. Introduction (Russian) | OECD & UNIDO
Item 2. Countries presentations:
- Armenia (Russian)
- Azerbaijan (Russian)
- Belarus – Oral intervention
- Georgia (Russian)
- Republic of Moldova (Russian)
- Ukraine (Russian)
Item 3. Regional Activities (Russian) | UNEP, UNECE, UNIDO, the OECD, & World Bank
Item 4. Action governance, coordination with other programmes and cross-cutting issues (Russian) | UNEP, OECD & UNIDO
Related documents:
Summary records from country consultations: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine.
Presentations from country consultations: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine.
Work plans: Regional, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine.
Summary record: Inaugural Regional Assembly