Training on designing and implementing green public investment programmes on bio-waste in Georgia

The training on designing and implementing green public investment programmes on bio-waste in Georgia took place on 27 April 2022.

Objectives of the training were to:

  • improve the capacity and understanding of government officials and other relevant experts in Georgia in the design and costing of medium to long-term green public investment programmes by providing them with access to modern management tools developed in accordance with good international practices
  • improve the capacity and understanding of government officials and other relevant experts in Georgia of programme implementation and more specifically of appraisal and selection techniques of investment projects that will be financed through the Programme.
  • support Georgia and in leveraging private (non-state) investments into equipment and technologies that divert environmental and climate-related problems connected with treatment of agricultural residues, green waste and bio-waste.


The training session was designed for ca. 20 participants. The trainees included government officials from different ministries, agencies but also local governments, NGOs, preferably with experience in designing and managing environmentally-related public programmes or programmes in the waste sector.

The OECD is supported in organising this training by Kommunalkredit Public Consulting (KPC) from Austria.


EU4Environment provides technical assistance and capacity development to help increase the capacity of government authorities to better manage public environmental expenditure.

In 2021, the OECD and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia agreed to work on designing a public environmental expenditure programme that focuses on utilising agricultural residues from farms, as well a green waste and bio-waste from households and food and beverage producers.

Besides the use of biodegradable waste or bio-waste for energy generation (biomass, biogas) or composting, the project aims to tackle two main environmental problems:

  1. Field burning of agricultural residues (causes GHG emissions without any accompanying energy benefit)
  2. Landfilling and illegal dumping of bio-waste, which result in landfill gas emissions (mainly methane and carbon dioxide) and leachate to the soil and groundwater

The development of public environmental expenditure programme aims to develop project pipelines that include investments to generate heat energy (locally in the same farm or to produce biomass fuel), as well as small-scale aerobic composting facilities for farmers and households in rural areas (green waste and bio-waste) as well as anaerobic digestion facilities for food and beverage producers (bio-waste).


For more information, please contact Mr David Simek:


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