The development of a green economy in Georgia is actively supported by the government. It approved the development strategy “Georgia 2020” in 2014, which included the promotion of green growth as one of its key objectives. It also developed a Green Growth Policy Paper in 2016. In 2014, Georgia and the European Union signed an Association Agreement that came into force in 2016. It encompasses objectives related to sustainable development and environment. It also introduces a preferential trade regime through the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, which Georgia signed to achieve its gradual economic integration into the EU internal market.
EU4Environment is helping Georgia facilitate national policy dialogues on green economy, further legal reforms on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) laws, promote the introduction of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) practices in SMEs, provide advisory services to establish Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) and eco-labelling policies, develop waste management strategy, identify priority environmental sectors for policy reform, support public environmental expenditure management, contribute to green innovation in SMEs, strengthen capacities for the establishment of Extended Producers Responsibility schemes, promote compliance assurance, assess and reinforce administrative capacity of the governmental institutions for improved environmental management, and develop Green Growth Indicators (GGIs).