Training workshop event on ecolabelling for business community in the Republic of Moldova

As part of the high-level round table “Green Economy – Made in Moldova” the training workshop on ecolabelling for business community in the Republic of Moldova took place on 3 February 2023.

Objectives of the training workshop on ecolabelling were to:

  • Present and explain the provision of the Regulation on establishing the ecolabel in Moldova;
  • Leverage the discussion on the ecolabelling mechanism which is under development in Moldova now;
  • Explain to stakeholders and SMEs the functionality and benefits of ecolabel that will be put in place;
  • Collect opinions and feedback from the relevant stakeholders on the ecolabelling mechanism in order to understand the needs and potential challenges;
  • Understand the needs of economic entities/SMEs towards greening their products and processes;
  • Promote ecolabelling as an efficient tool for access to information to individuals, as well as a tool for SPP;
  • Promote ecolabelling as a strategic tool to increase access to national and international markets (i.e., the EU market).


The training workshop brought together the responsible stakeholders for the implementation and application of ecolabelling mechanism as is foreseen in the draft Regulation on ecolabelling, economic entities both the SMEs and big enterprises that are producing, supplying products and providing services in Moldova, touristic agency representatives, NGOs.


Within EU4Environment, UNEP, in close cooperation with the PA EcoContact and Ministry of Environment as beneficiary, implements a set of activities for promotion of eco-labelling system development in the Republic of Moldova. In particular, a comprehensive assessment of the legal framework of Moldova was prepared, identifying the current state related to eco labelling, and existing laws facilitating the regulation and later implementation of eco labelling in the country. The assessment is available in Romanian and English. The only existing and functioning environmental labelling system in Moldova is organic labelling in the agriculture sector.

The Roadmap to align an eco-labelling system in Moldova was drafted to determine the objectives and measures to be taken to facilitate the transposition of the provisions set out in the EU Regulation on the Ecolabel (Regulation (EC) No 66/2010) in the Republic of Moldova. Largely, the roadmap is an action plan for successfully creating and implementing a voluntary national eco-labelling scheme. The Roadmap is available in Romanian and English.

The most valuable progress is the elaboration of the draft Regulation on Ecolabelling, which transpose Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 on EU Ecolabel and develop all supportive documents (Note, RIA, Draft of Governmental Decision, Regulation). At the end of the year 2022, the draft Regulation was presented and consulted with key stakeholders; comments addressed, and the final version was submitted to the Ministry of Environment.

In December 2022, EcoContact supported the Ministry of Environment in elaborating the design for the future “mark” of the national ecolabel as per request and recommendation of Agency of Intellectual Property. The request to register the mark was submitted successfully. It is needed approximately one year for the mark to be verified at the national and international level after will be registered and the right for use is issued.

Agenda (English | Romanian)


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