Designing Green Public Investment Programme and Conducting Training in Azerbaijan

The meeting on “Designing Green Public Investment Programme and Conducting Training in Azerbaijan” took place on 17 June 2021.

Meeting objectives, expected outputs and outcomes

  • The objective of the meeting was to launch the implementation of the project “Designing Green Public Investment Programme and Conducting Training” in Azerbaijan.
  • The expected outputs of the meeting were:
    • an agreement on the key elements of the project (scope of the programme, implementation modalities), and
    • awareness raised about the water supply sector in Azerbaijan, which is the project focus.


The meeting gathered officials from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and their invited experts, representatives of other Ministries, municipal governments, donors, IFIs and NGOs involved in the sector, the EU4Environment and other EU programmes in Azerbaijan.

The meeting was facilitated by the OECD and experts from Kommunalkredit Public Consulting (KPC).


The main objective of the proposed project “Designing Green Public Investment Programme and Conducting Training in Azerbaijan” is to equip the government officials and experts in Azerbaijan with know-how and practical skills on designing a public environmental expenditure programme with the aim of obtaining adequate resources from the public budget and leverage international co-financing for its implementation. The programme will be designed in line with international good practices and can serve as a model for preparing other low-carbon public investment programmes within national medium-term expenditure frameworks (MTEFs).

Meeting documents

Agenda (English | Azerbaijani)

Concept Note (English | Azerbaijani)


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