EU4Environment Circular Economy Seminar in Brest

Objectives of the seminar

    To raise awareness of representatives of regional and district environmental and economic services, as well as managers and specialists of enterprises about the effective use of production resources and waste reduction for the implementation of the principles of closed-loop economy («circular economy»).

Specific objectives of the seminar:

     Introduction to modern methods of assessing the use of resources in enterprises and organization of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Clubs, presentation of the «Circular economy and new growth opportunities» Result/project activities implemented within the framework of the EU-funded program «European Union for Environment» in the Republic of Belarus,.


     Responsible employees of regional committees of natural resources and environmental protection, regional committees of economy, a number of district environmental inspections, departments of economy of district administrations, Heads or Deputy heads on economy of enterprises, including small and medium-sized enterprises of private ownership, university teachers and researchers, representatives of regional mass media are invited to participate in seminars.

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