Meeting of the EU4Environment Green Economy National Implementation Committee in the Republic of Moldova

The Inter-ministerial Working Group on the promotion of Sustainable Development and Green Economy  

The Meeting of the EU4Environment National Implementation Committee in the Republic of Moldova took place on 09 September 2022, 10.00 – 13.00.

Meeting objectives were to discuss:

  • progress of EU4Environment in Moldova so far (all EU4Environment Green Economy IPs);
  • preparations for the EU4Environment Regional Assembly (OECD);
  • national BIG-E objectives (Nicosia EfE Ministerial Conference) (Ministry of Environment);
  • process of drafting of the Program on the promotion of Green Economy for 2023-2027 (UNEP);
  • process of drafting of the Law on payments for pollution and taxes for natural resources (OECD)
  • World Cleanup Day 2022 in Moldova (national campaign – 01-17.09.2022 and Cleanup Day, September 17) (all partners);
  • synergies with other projects.


The meeting gathered the following participants: Ministers/State secretaries (EU4Environment NFPs/Co-chairs from MEI and MARDE), Members of the NIC/WG on SD and GE/NIC of EU4Environment in Moldova, representatives of governmental agencies, MEI, MARDE, ODIMM, APP, AEE, academic sector, environmental NGOs, representatives EC (DG NEAR, DG Environment), Delegation of the EU in RM, representatives of Implementing Partners (OECD, UNEP, UNECE, UNIDO and the World Bank).


Meetings of Moldova’s Inter-ministerial Working Group on the promotion of Sustainable Development and Green Economy (also acting as the National Implementation Committee (NIC) for the EU4Environment programme) aim to review progress in greening the national economy and discuss the necessary activities by all relevant stakeholder to accelerate this process.

These meetings are supported by the EU-funded EU4Environment programme, as part of its component Output 1.1 on “Green economy ownership, policy coherence and cross-sectorial coordination”, which is implemented by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

Agenda (English | Romanian)

Summary Record 

Press Release

Country profile 2021-2022

Presentation slides:

Item 2. Implementation of EU4Environment Green Economy in Moldova in first part of 2022 and plans for September – December 2022

EU4Environment progress and plans 2022-23 (Joint presentation by the EU4Environment Implementing Partners)

Item 3. EU4Environment Green Economy and Environment for Europe processes: synergies and national campaigns

Integrarea economiei verzi în sistemul educațional dual (Liudmila Stihi, GIZ)

National BIG-E objectives and World Cleanup Day 2022 in the Republic of Moldova (Andrei Isac, National Action Co-ordinator, Republic of Moldova)


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