EU4Environment contributes to the World Circular Economy Forum 2023 in Helsinki

On the occasion of the World Circular Economy Forum 2023, taking place from 30 May to 2 June in Helsinki, Finland, EU4Environment is contributing to the session on circular economy solutions for industries with materials dedicated to resource efficiency and industrial waste mapping (IWM).

Concretely, the EU4Environment contributions will be featured in the consultative forum on circular economy solutions organized on 1 June by two other EU-funded flagships projects led by UNIDO: Switch to Circular Economy Value Chains (SWITCH2CE) project and SwitchMed project. Here, the purpose of the forum is to present and discuss innovative and scalable examples of applied circular economy conversions in industries implemented in UNIDO-led projects across different regions in Africa and Asia. This comes at a time when, to drive the transition towards a circular economy, the value chains of key sectors (such as plastic packaging, textiles, and electronics) must be transformed. The first edition of the SWITCH:COLAB consultative forum will examine innovative and scalable circular economy examples and test the interactive “Circularity Game”, an assessment tool to learn more about circular economy practices and their application in real-life situations.

Among others, UNIDO’s event booth will contain three IWM Executive Summaries, a presentation dedicated to waste mapping in the EaP countries, and a brochure introducing the role and potential benefits of the RECP Clubs – all contribute to a better understanding of the ways in which Circular Economy can be introduced in the Eastern Partnership countries to boost regional development.

Read more about Industrial Waste Mapping from our dedicated Executive Summaries:

IWM Executive Summary in Azerbaijan

IWM Executive Summary in Georgia

IWM Executive Summary in Ukraine


Read more about the RECP Clubs from our dedicated brochure.

The organizers of the consultative forum on circular economy solutions are UNIDO’s SwitchMED and Switch2CE projects, in collaboration with Circle Economy and Chatham House, and with financial support from the European Union (EU) and the Government of Finland.

For more details about the event and registration, please click here.

Published on 30/05/2023

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