The 7th High Level National Round Table “Green Economy – Made in Moldova: Towards a Green Transition” was organised on 3 February 2022 in-person at CIE MOLDEXPO, Central Pavillion. It was also broadcast through privesc.
A high-level panel discussion, moderated by Mr. Sergiu HAREA, President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, opened this event with an exclusive participation of:
- Ina COSERU, Deputy Chair of Parliamentary Commission for Environment and Regional Development
- Iordanca-Rodica IORDANOV, Minister of Environment
- Dumitru ALAIBA, Minister of Economy
- Jānis MAŽEIKS, Ambassador, Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Moldova
- Dumitru PÎNTEA, Director, Organization for Development of Entrepreneurship (ODA)
Meeting objectives, expected outputs and outcomes:
- Promotion of the green economy concept at the highest political level in Moldova and EaP countries, in all social-development sectors of the country, attracting the private sector, development partners, NGOs, media and the general public;
- Promotion of European Green Deal objectives and priorities in Moldova and at the EaP regional level, including exchange of experiences between EaP countries on this issue;
- Presentation of the EU4Environment programme contribution to the promotion of the Green Transition of Moldova in the EaP region;
- Increasing awareness of stakeholders from businesses, governmental agencies and the general public on the application and benefits of the Green Economy and Circular Economy principles for sustainable economic development.
As part of this event, a separate session on eco-labelling for business community was organised with aim to discuss the benefits and legislation as well as raise awareness among stakeholders.
Invited participants to the Round Table include representatives from governmental agencies (MoEnv, MoEc, ODA), EC (DG NEAR, DG Env), EUD, EU4Environment Green Economy IPs, NACs and beneficiaries, EU4Environment Water and Data, EU4Climate, international organizations, embassies, businesses and enterprises / private sector, academic sector, environmental NGOs and experts, mass-media from Moldova and EaP countries.