Advancing Biodiversity Conservation in Eastern Partnership Countries: Regional Stakeholders’ meeting

The regional event took place on 15 February 2024 in Radisson Blu Hotel (Mitropolit Varlaam St 77 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova).

The objectives of the meeting were to:

  • take stock of progress on biodiversity protection and facilitate peer learning;
  • discuss opportunities for improved funding mechanisms in this area;
  • reflect on national ownership and sustainability of biodiversity protection activities.


The meeting brought together government representatives from the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries, EU institutions, IFIs, CSOs, academia, and the World Bank as meeting’s main organiser.


The World Bank is working with the EU’s Eastern Partnership countries (EaP) in their implementation of the “Result Area 4: Ecosystem services and livelihoods of the European Union for Environment Action” through technical assistance and advisory services.

Within the programme, the World Bank supports the EaP governments and authorities in preserving biodiversity, conserving ecosystems and habitats. This includes the protection of forests and other natural areas that harbor biodiversity.

Draft agenda

Booklet with practical information

Presentation slides

Item 2. Key Achievements with EU4Environment Support. Leveraging EU4Environment Program Outputs for Greener Development in the EaP Countries:

Armenia | Azerbaijan | Georgia | Moldova | Ukraine

Outcomes of the Results-Oriented Monitoring Mission for Result Area 4 (Angela Bularga, European Commission)

Item 3. Financing Afforestation/Reforestation to Ensure Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Restoration

Modernizing Forest Governance in Moldova for Sustainable Afforestation (Nicolas Tremblay, French Development Agency)

Investment Case: Sustainable Forestry Sector (Adrian Enache and Sylvain Caurla, European Investment Bank)

Ukraine: Identification of Climate Finance and Carbon Pricing Opportunities in the Forestry Sector (Oksana Kovalenko, the World Bank)

Item 4. Advancing the Emerald Network and Natura2000

Emerald Constitution Process and Achievements at the Pan-European Level (Marc Hory, Council of Europe)

Advancing Biodiversity Conservation in EaP Countries Challenges and Further Actions (Marc Roekaerts, the World Bank)

Transitioning from the Emerald Network to Natura 2000 (Iva Obretenova, European Commission)

Conservation of Natural Heritage for Life in Ukraine (David Lacina, Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic)

Item 5. EU Deforestation Regulation

The EU Regulation on deforestation and forest degradation free supply chains (Helge Elisabeth Zeitler, European Commission)

EU-Regulations against illegal wood, deforestation and degradation (Johannes Zahnen, WWF Germany)


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