RECP media breakfast and tour of Georgian industries

The media breakfast and tour of industrial SMEs aimed to bring closer the concept of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) to national media representatives, social media influencers, Governmental organisations, SMEs, business associations, civil society organisations and other national actors. The event showcased the benefits of resource efficiency and green growth to the broader public. It started in an informal setting with presentations and discussions over breakfast (buffet format), followed by an RECP tour of selected industries and dinner. The latter included the results obtained by the Georgian enterprises involved in several demonstration activities, a discussion on sustainable business practices and the overall transition to a Green Economy in Georgia, as well as visits to selected enterprises part of EU4Environment.

The event participants comprised of the representatives of various media outlets, social media influencers, Governmental organisations, SMEs, business associations, civil society organisations, and businesses interested in the practical application of the RECP methodology.

More information about the visited company could be viewed here:

  • Teleti poultry farm (Read more about the company: EnglishGeorgian)
  • Megaplast (producer of plastic items) (Read more about the company: EnglishGeorgian)
  • Caucasus Organic Fruits (dried fruits) (Read more about the company: EnglishGeorgian)

Highlights/key achievements

The event started in an informal setting with presentations and discussions over breakfast of the results obtained by the Georgian enterprises involved in several RECP demonstration activities, a discussion on sustainable business practices and the overall transition to a Green Economy in Georgia. The press tour included visits to three enterprises which participated in the activities of UNIDO implemented EU4Environment Action. These enterprises have already taken steps towards greening their production processes, thereby providing examples, best practices, and lessons learned for other interested businesses. The interactions with company representatives will enable the tour participants to develop articles and media content while also improving the overall capacity of journalists and influencers to communicate about topics related to resource efficiency, cleaner production, and Circular Economy.

Overall, the event helped distribute information on the findings, achievements, and plans of the EU4Environment programme in Georgia. More specifically, within EU4Environment’s component on “Circular Economy and New Growth Opportunities”, UNIDO, supported by Energy Efficiency Centre Georgia as its National Implementing Partner highlighted and promoted resilience and green growth in Georgian enterprises by showcasing the benefits of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in the transition to a Circular Economy.

The event was supported by the European Union and organised under the EU-Funded EU4Environment Action by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and supported in Georgia by its National Implementing Partner, the Energy Efficiency Centre (EEC).

Press release


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