The fourth EU4Environment Regional Assembly was held in a hybrid format on 22-23 September 2022. The meeting took place in the International Energy Agency, 9 rue de la Fédération, 75015, Paris, France. The meeting was also accessible on Zoom.
The main objectives of this event were to:
- take stock of the Programme implementation and showcase the main achievements;
- review the updated country specific and regional work plans for 2022-23;
- review the governance arrangements and discuss the implementation of the communication activities.
The meeting brought together the National Focal Points from the Ministries of Environment and of Economy of Eastern Partnership countries, the National Action Coordinators, representatives of the European Commission and the EU Delegations, EU Member States, civil society, and the EU4Environment Implementing Partners (OECD, UNECE, UNEP, UNIDO, and the World Bank).
Meeting documents
Summary record – the fourth Regional Assembly
Summary Record – Special session on circular economy
Presentation slides
Presentations on progress and plans 2022-23: Armenia | Azerbaijan | Georgia | Republic of Moldova | Ukraine | Regional
22 September 2022
Item 1. Opening, welcome, and adoption of the agenda
Message from the European Commission (Lawrence Meredith Director, DG NEAR)
Item 3. Country-level activities: progress on the Action implementation, its impact and plans for 2022-23 in the Eastern Partner countries
Armenia | Azerbaijan | Georgia | Republic of Moldova (EU4Environment implementing partners)
Progress on the Action implementation and plans for 2022-23 in Armenia (Dr. Gayane Gabrielyan, Deputy Minister of Environment of the Republic of Armenia)
Item 4. Special session on Ukraine
Selected highlights on Ukraine (EU4Environment implementing partners)
Item 5. Co-operation with civil society
Co-operation with Civil Society in the Republic of Moldova (Elena Culighin, Chair, National Environmental Center Moldova)
Item 6. Coordination with other EU4 Programmes
EU4Enviroment Water & Data (Matthew Griffiths, EU4Environment Water Management and Environmental Data)
EU4Climate (Yevgen Groza, UNDP)
Item 7. Regional activities, governance, sustainability and communications
Regional highlights (EU4Environment implementing partners)
Update on communications activities (OECD)
23 September 2022
Circular Economy Plan (Guillemette Vachey, DG NEAR, European Commission)
The contribution of EU4Environment to the Circular Economy (Elisa Tonda, UNEP)
Industrial waste mapping pilots in Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Ukraine (Alastair Carruth, UNIDO)
Industrial Waste Mapping: Guidance and lessons from the EAP Pilots (Alastair Carruth, Sweco; Volodymyr Popovych RECP Center, Ukraine; Irakli Legashvili, REC Georgia; Tofig Hasanov, ACE Group Consultant LLC, Azerbaijan)
Implementation of industrial symbioses: Practical steps towards a circular economy based on the IWM (Tomas Knuts)
Pictures from the event: 22 September 2022 | 23 September 2023
Background documents
Summary Record from the Third Regional Assembly 2021
Work plans: Armenia | Azerbaijan | Georgia | Republic of Moldova | Ukraine | Regional
Related documents
Video with the EU4Environment achievements
Country profiles 2021-22: Armenia | Azerbaijan | Georgia | Republic of Moldova | Ukraine