Towards Green Transformation of the Republic of Moldova

The event “Towards Green Transformation of the Republic of Moldova” within the EU Green Week took place on 03 June 2022.

The event was broadcast on the digital platform privesc.

Meeting objectives, expected outputs and outcomes

Since 2019 the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration and Ministry of Economy, in partnership with EU4Environment and  the European Union Delegation in the Republic of Moldova conducted three national campaigns within the EU Green Week 2019, 2020 and 2021 (

The year 2022 was dedicated to the EU Green Deal, the new growth strategy of the European Union, aiming to make the EU economy resource-efficient and sustainable with a special focus on circular economy, zero pollution and biodiversity.

The EU4Environment event aimed to show how the Programme contributes to the EU ambition for a zero pollution and clean environment, biodiversity conservation and promotion of circular economy in the Republic of Moldova. It:

  • reviewed progress in addressing environmental challenges in the Republic of Moldova and the EaP region;
  • discussed the ways how to address remaining challenges, including eco-labelling and eco-innovation promotion, RECP and green public procurement;
  • raised awareness on biodiversity conservation, protected areas and forest management;
  • shared experience on monitoring progress towards a green economy.


The event gathered the representatives of the Ministries of Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Ministry of Economy, and other line Ministries, as relevant, in the Republic of Moldova and invited representatives from Eastern Partnership countries, representatives of the civil society, academic community and business. The representatives of the European Commission, EU Delegations, and the EU4Environment Implementing Partners (OECD, UNECE, UNEP, UNIDO and World Bank) also joined the meeting.


Greening the economy creates economic development opportunities, e.g. resource and energy efficiency can reduce costs of input material, waste minimisation and recycling can save resources, more environmentally friendly agriculture can save water and reduce pollution. Promoting new greener sectors and business models can result in economic diversification, increased competitiveness and access to new markets. Less pollution and preserved ecosystem services are important factors of population’s wellbeing resilience, especially at community level, as well as peace and security in the region.

Since 2019, the EU-funded EU4Environment Programme has been supporting the Republic of Moldova and EaP countries in pursuing their path of green transformation. The EU4Environment Implementing Partners (OECD, UNECE, UNIDO, UNEP and the World Bank) helped Moldova in greening their Small- and Medium- Sized Enterprises, reforming their environmental finance institutions, or establishing better measurement of green growth. Overall, EU4Enviroment has helped the EaP countries to preserve their natural capital and increase people’s environmental well-being by supporting environment-related action, demonstrating and unlocking opportunities for greener growth, and setting mechanisms to better manage environmental risks and impacts.


Presentation slides

Item 2. High-level session: EU Green Week 2022 in the Republic of Moldova

Opening remarks by Virginijus SINKEVIČIUS, European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries (video message)

Item 3. EU4Environment contribution towards zero pollution in the Republic of Moldova

Regulation on eco-labelling in the Republic of Moldova  (Irina PUNGA, Legal Expert, EcoContact)

Promotion of Sustainable Public Procurement in the Republic of Moldova (Ruslan MALAI, Director of the Public Procurement Agency)

Item 4. EU4Environment contribution towards circular economy in the Republic of Moldova

Circular Economy practices to green industries in the Republic of Moldova (Tatiana CHERNYAVSKAYA, Project Manager, UNIDO)

Contribution of RECP to green transformation (Dr. Johannes FRESNER, Senior technical advisor, UNIDO/STENUM GmBH)

Piloting the International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks (Ankit KAPASI, international EIP expert, UNIDO/Sofies)

Item 5. EU4Environment contribution to biodiversity conservation, protected areas and forest management

Biodiversity Conservation vs Forest Management (Aurel LOZAN, Country Activity Coordinator, World Bank)

Item 6. Green economy monitoring

How does Moldova fare with greening its economy? (Krzysztof MICHALAK, Senior Programme Manager, OECD)

Selected policy messages based on the green growth indicators (Ecaterina RUSU, Independent Analytical Center “Expert-Grup”)

Joint efforts for improving environmental monitoring and data use (Svetlana ZHEKOVA, Environment Agency Austria)


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