Training Workshop on Promoting Sustainable Public Procurement in the Republic of Armenia

The training workshop on Promoting Sustainable Public Procurement in the Republic of Armenia took place on 12 December 2023.

Objectives of the training workshop were to present:

• UNEP’s approach / methodology on SPP and role of Armenian stakeholders’ successful introduction of SPP in the country;
• preliminary findings of the SPP Status Assessment, including policy review and legislation frameworks, followed by recommendations on SPP promotion;
• a list of SPP priority products, methodology used for prioritization and plans for the elaboration of the SPP criteria for selected products;
• economic, social and environmental benefits of SPP to Armenian stakeholders;
• strengthen capacities of business sectors to respond to public tenders under EU4Environment.


Government representatives of environment, economy, finance, territorial administration and infrastructure ministries, civil society, business associations, target stakeholders.


UNEP, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, with the support of the Armenian Office of the Regional Environmental Center and the Green Transition NGO (as well as other interested parties), implements a series of measures to promote and implement the SPP and eco-labeling. It entails a review of the legislative framework, developing recommendations that will include the provisions of the SPP and eco-labelling in the legislation.


Presentation slides:

UNEP’s methogology on SPP and case studies from the EaP countries (Lesya Nikolayeva, UNEP)

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