
Leaflets on the Introduction to Green Economy

UNEP, one of  the implementing agencies of the EU-funded EU4Environment programme, together with its partner UNITAR, has launched an e-learning course “Introduction to the Green Economy”.

This is a 10-hour course and can be completed at your own pace. It is free of charge and upon completion, learners gain a certificate.

It includes basic concepts, policy instruments and international frameworks that promote inclusive green economies at all levels. The course consists of five modules with interactive exercises that reinforce the readers learning.

After completing the course, learners will be able to:

  • Describe the rationale and core concepts for moving away from business-as-usual practices and towards an inclusive green economy;
  • Identify enabling conditions for greening national economies;
  • Outline principal opportunities and challenges to greening key sectors of the economy;
  • Provide examples of enabling national and sectoral strategies and planning;
  • Distinguish international frameworks and initiatives in support of an inclusive green economy.

This course is open to policy-makers, businesses, and the general public.

The course is available in several languages: English | Armenian | Azerbaijani | Georgian | Romanian | Ukrainian

Leaflets: English | Armenian | Azerbaijani | Georgian | Romanian | Ukrainian

Published on 01/10/2021 inБрошури

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