The regional event took place on 13-14 March 2024 in a hybrid format in Brussels, Belgium.
This event aimed to discuss lessons learned from activities encouraging a green transition in EaP countries. By doing so, the event sought to promote sustainability and national ownership of results, and to ensure that future actions remain calibrated to both national and regional priorities.
The main objectives of the meeting were to:
- highlight the progress made towards a green economy in the Eastern Partnership countries
- discuss how to preserve results and accelerate further reforms
- discuss the continuity of the green agenda implementation in the EaP countries.
The event also included three thematic sessions on making public administration fit to facilitate a green transition; sustainable public procurement; as well as product policies and the EU’s Single Market.
The meeting brought together the National Focal Points from the Ministries of Environment and of Economy of Eastern Partnership countries, the National Action Coordinators, representatives of the European Commission and the EU Delegations, EU Member States, civil society, and the EU4Environment Implementing Partners (OECD, UNECE, UNEP, UNIDO, and the World Bank).
Meeting documents
EU4Environment achievements in figures
Presentation slides:
Item 2. Highlights of progress and lessons learned in the Eastern Partnership countries
- Armenia (Gayane Gabrielyan, Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia)
- Georgia (Nato Ormotsadze, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, and David Advadze, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia)
Item 3. Moving beyond EU4Environment: What priorities for the future?
EU for Green Recovery East (Angela Bularga, European Commission)
Item 4. Making public administration fit to facilitate a green transition in EaP countries
Making public administration fit to facilitate a green transition (Krzysztof Michalak, Irina Belkahia, OECD)
Item 5. Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) as an accelerator of a green transition
Sustainable Public Procurement as an accelerator of a green transition (Lesya Nikolayeva, UNEP)
Highlights of progress and lessons learned in Georgia (Tamar Aladashvili, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia)
Case studies on SPP and eco-labelling in the Republic of Moldova (Irina Punga, Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova)
Case studies of SPP Progress in EaP countries (Ukraine) (Svitlana Permynova, NGO “Living Planet”)
Item 6. The role of product policies and the EU’s Single Market for Green Products (SMGP)
Highlights of progress and lessons learned in Georgia (Basheer Ahamed, PRe lead expert on Georgia)
Highlights of implementing Product Environmental Footprint in businesses of Georgia – Handicraft for Kids (Elene Japoshvili, national PEF expert)
Highlights of implementing Product Environmental Footprint in businesses of Georgia – Dambalkhacho (Tamar Kobakhidze, owner of pilot company Handicraft)
Highlights of implementing Product Environmental Footprint in businesses of Ukraine – Sneco and Alfa HT(Vadym Gryshyn, co-founder of pilot company Prime Snack LLC and Tetiana Yahodiak, CEO of pilot company Alfa HT)