Third meeting of the EU4Environment Regional Assembly

The third EU4Environment Regional Assembly was held virtually on 21 September 2021 via Zoom platform. The meeting:

  • took stock of the Programme implementation, and reviewed key achievements;
  • considered priorities for the remaining period of the Programme;
  • discussed the findings of the Result Oriented Monitoring of EU4Environment carried out for the European Commission by independent evaluators; and
  • reviewed governance arrangements and progress on communication.

The meeting brought together the National Focal Points from the Ministries of Environment and of Economy of Eastern Partnership countries, the National Action Coordinators, representatives of the European Commission and the EU Delegations, EU Member States, civil society, and the EU4Environment Implementing Partners (OECD, UNECE, UNEP, UNIDO, and the World Bank).

Meeting documents

Summary record, Agenda and List of Participants (in one document)

Background documents

Joint Staff Working Document. Recovery, resilience and reform: post 2020 EaP priorities

Third Eastern Partnership Formal ministerial meeting on environment and climate change

Presentation slides

Items 2, 3 & 5. Highlights of achievements: Armenia  |  Azerbaijan  |  Belarus   |  Georgia   |  Republic of Moldova  |  Ukraine   |  Regional

Item 4. Findings and Recommendations of the Result Oriented Monitoring evaluation

Item 6.  Ecosystem services and livelihoods: Country and regional work plan development

Item 7. Update on communications activities

Audiorecorded presentations. Please ensure to click on the button “Present” in the right-hand corner. 

Armenia  |  Azerbaijan  |  Belarus   |  Georgia  |  Republic of Moldova  |  Ukraine  | Regional

Work Plans:

Armenia  |  Azerbaijan  |  Belarus  |  Georgia  |  Republic of Moldova |  Ukraine  |   Regional

EU4Environment mid-term progress brochure: Towards a green economy in the Eastern Partner countries: Progress at mid-term (2021)

Country profiles 2020-21:

Armenia (Armenian | English)

Azerbaijan (Azerbaijani | English)

Belarus (Russian | English)

Georgia (Georgian | English )

Republic of Moldova (Romanian | English)

Ukraine (Ukrainian | English )


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