2nd Consultation Session at the Emerald Site АМ0000025 “Armash” within the Framework of Capacity Building Program

The 2nd Consultation Session at the Emerald Site АМ0000025 “Armash” took place on 5 April 2024.

Meeting objectives

The objective of the meeting was to unite local NGOs, associations, local administration, and the business sector. The session introduced the fundamentals of Emerald site management and management plans principles. Additionally, it offered a concise explanation of the unique significance of the local Emerald site and the management plan that has been formulated.


The meeting gathered around 30 participants from different above-mentioned stakeholder groups.


A set of capacity-building events are organized as part of the World Bank-led activities under EU4Environment Program sub-component 4.1: Support to protect biodiversity and natural ecosystems (Emerald network). Activities under this sub-component are aimed at advancing the establishment of the Emerald Network and management of the Emerald Sites in the Eastern Partner countries, including Armenia.

Capacity building program will offer a valuable opportunity for government officials, private sector representatives and local communities to enhance their knowledge and skills on biodiversity conservation and management of protected areas. It will also highlight the benefits of implementing the Emerald Network framework.

An important objective of this program is also to organize public consultations in order to gather input and feedback on the draft ESMP. Engaging local communities, considering their traditional knowledge, and increasing public awareness through educational initiatives, can benefit from local support.


Executive summary

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