Inception Consultation Workshop on Extended Producer Responsibility for the packaging waste in Azerbaijan

The Inception Consultation Workshop on Extended Producer Responsibility for the packaging waste in Azerbaijan took place virtually on 26 July 2021.

The overall aim of the workshop was to present the findings of the gap analysis report for the draft packaging waste law, present and discuss the needs and priorities and agree upon the next steps for developing an effective EPR scheme in the country.

Meeting objectives, expected outputs and outcomes were to:

  • Present the findings for Azerbaijan from the draft regional analytical report.
  • Discuss and present the findings of the draft Gap Analysis report.
  • Discuss the Azerbaijani framework laws, waste management legislation and the draft legislation.
  • Exchange knowledge on the current status of the Azerbaijani waste management system.
  • Discuss the main recommendations from the consultants on the future set-up of EPR for packaging in Azerbaijan.
  • Discuss expectations from the roadmap to establish an EPR system for the packaging waste in Azerbaijan.


The event brought together 35 participants including relevant governmental institutions, local authorities, UNEP, academia, private sector and NGOs in Azerbaijan.


The application of strategic approaches to waste management can assist in addressing countries’ overarching waste management challenges. To this end, within EU4Environment’s component 2.4 on “The use of strategic approaches on waste management” UNEP supports countries in promoting development of comprehensive sustainable waste management policies and policy instruments. More specifically, under Activity 2.4.2 Initiating/assisting the establishment of Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) schemes, UNEP provides technical assistance to partner countries in the establishment of EPR schemes for the packaging waste streams. This will be achieved through the provision of advisory services and capacity development/trainings to policy makers, procurement practitioners, businesses and business associations, as well as NGOs and other stakeholders.

To this end, UNEP, in collaboration with the implementing partners, is organizing the online Inception Consultation Workshop in Azerbaijan. The workshop aims to present the findings of the gap analysis report for the draft packaging waste law, present and discuss the needs and priorities and agree upon the next steps for developing an effective EPR scheme in the country.

Meeting documents


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