Training workshop on SEA Report, Quality Control in SEA and Final SEA Recommendations

The plans and programmes at the local level (in particular, spatial plans) represent an important group of strategic documents the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) should be applied to. A number of municipalities in Georgia have already launched preparation of the local spatial plans. Therefore, there is an obvious demand for the technical assistance to ensure the local-level SEAs are conducted in accordance with the new national legislative framework. This event was organized within the “European Union for Environment” (EU4Environment) with co-funding from the Czech Republic.

The workshop focused on the preparation of a SEA report (including relevant analyses), quality control in SEA, and preparation of SEA recommendations as the final step of the SEA process in accordance with the Environmental Assessment Code of Georgia. The training was based – to an extent possible – on the existing SEA case (SEA of the Resort Lebarde Development Regulation draft Plan) and was built on the outcomes of the first training session on SEA screening and scoping for the municipal spatial plans.

Meeting objectives, expected outputs and outcomes 

  • enhance capacities for the application of SEA in Georgia in line with requirements of the UNECE Protocol on SEA and EU SEA Directive, which Georgia has transposed into the national legislative framework through the adoption of the Environmental Assessment Code;
  • follow up and build on the outcomes of the first training workshop
  • facilitate the on-going SEA of the Resort Lebarde Development Regulation draft Plan.


Up to 40 staff of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, National Environmental Agency, Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Tbilisi City Hall and other selected municipalities.

Please find here related to the meeting documents.

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