Update on activities on environmental compliance assurance in Ukraine

  • The OECD Secretariat participated in and provided opening remarks at the online Training seminar with the heads of territorial bodies of the State Environmental Inspectorate of Ukraine (SEI) on 25 October 2023. More information about the training is available here (in Ukrainian).
  • The OECD provided analytical support on legislative development to Ukraine’s Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on Environmental Policy and Nature Management and the SEI through analysis of how Ukraine’s draft Law on State Environmental Control corresponds to the OECD Recommendation on Environmental Compliance Assurance, during October-November 2023.
  • The OECD presented the results of the analysis at the meeting of the Working Group on the development of legislative initiatives under the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Environmental Policy and Nature Management on 1 December 2023 (online).

Meeting documents for the Working Group:


English (google translated) | Ukrainian


How Ukraine’s draft Law on State Environmental Control corresponds to the OECD Recommendation

More information on the results of the meeting is available here (in Ukrainian)

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