Workshop on Deposit Refund System development in Armenia

The Workshop on Deposit Refund System development in the Republic of Armenia took place on 11 February 2021.

The meeting objectives were:

  • to exchange knowledge on the current status of the Armenian waste management system;
  • to identify the key stakeholder’s group for Deposit Refund System (DRS);
  • to present the best EU practical examples;
  • to discuss the preliminary findings of the situation analysis and possible options for the DRS for the packaging waste in Armenia.


The meeting gathered 15 participants from Ministries, NGO and business associations.


DRS can help reduce the amount of littering, boost recycling levels for relevant material, offer the possibility to collect high-quality materials in greater quantities and makes it easier for consumers to recycle through clear labelling and consumer messaging. An effective, functional and convenient DRS may entail high investment outlays.

Armenia has recently completed an initial gap analysis study for the establishment of the DRS to understand what legislative amendments need to be put in place for the DRS to operate.

Meeting documents

Agenda (English | Armenian)


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