Call for expression of interest: Expert in policy analysis and market assessment of eco-innovation landscape in the Republic of Moldova

Romanian version

EU4Environment is looking for a national expert in policy analysis and market assessment of eco-innovation landscape in the Republic of Moldova.

The expert will elaborate a national policy analysis and a market assessment to determine priority SME sectors in Moldova as part of the EU-funded EU4Environment programme component on “promoting ecological value-chains and product innovation among small and medium enterprises in Moldova”. The project is implemented by the Organization of Small and Medium Enterprise Sector Development (hereinafter, ODIMM) in co-operation with the United Nations Environment Programme (hereinafter, UNEP).

The selected candidate  will conduct an analysis of the market and policy landscape for eco-innovation among SMEs in Moldova. This analysis will be done using UNEP’s eco-innovation approach ( and will enable to select SME sectors in Moldova that will receive further technical advisory services on eco-innovation. More specifically, the selected expert will follow the “prepare phase” (especially PR1, PR4, PR5), as outlined in UNEP’s “Eco-i Manual: Eco-innovation implementation process” ( The analysis will involve screening an array of environmental metrics/statistics and developing an inventory of existing policy instruments that promote innovation and socio-environmental sustainability in Moldovan SME sectors, as well as the macro-economic scale. The assessment will also include recommendations to address specific policy gaps/needs and identify priority actions for a government roadmap on promoting eco-innovation in different sectors of the Moldovan economy.

More specifically, the selected expert will perform the following tasks:
▪ Desk research and outreach to key government and non-government actors to obtain up-to-date statistical data on environmental and social sustainability metrics in key sectors of the Moldovan economy (as well as national level). This will enabale the expert to develop a macroeconomic analysis of environmental metrics (i.e. which sectors of the Moldovan economy contribute most to pollution, GHG emissions, waste generation, water consumption etc.), followed by a market level analysis (level of competition in the sectors, existing government support towards sustainability, consumer interest in sustainable/green products/services, and any other trends that may already be encouraging eco-innovation in the sectors).
▪ Based on the above findings, the expert will conduct a prioritisation exercise – using UNEP’s eco-innovation methodology – to determine sectors that hold the greatest potential for developing/adopting eco-innovative approaches. This will inform the scope of future technical advisory services on eco-innovation as part of the EU4Environment programme (and beyond).

▪ Develop an overview of existing and planned policies to encourage socio-environmental sustainability and innovation in these sectors, as well as at cross-sectoral/macroeconomic level. This will involve stocktaking and analysis (identifying opportunities, barriers and gaps) of public policies, SME-related policies and legislation, regulatory frameworks, as well as existing and planned programmes associated with (eco) innovation and sustainable consumption and production in the Republic of Moldova.
▪ The expert will also describe the roles of different national actors/stakeholders in the promotion/implementation of eco-innovation in Moldova and identify appropriate political and technical conditions to further strengthen eco-innovation among various SME sectors in the country.
▪ Throughout the development of the above assessments, the expert will take into consideration and review the report based on comments from UNEP, ODIMM and other national stakeholders.
▪ The expert will also be expected to present his/her report and the rationale for selected sectors during a national validation workshop involving the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure and the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment of the Republic of Moldova, as well as other government focal points/agencies, and the EU Delegation, as appropriate.


An advanced university degree in environmental or industrial economics, environmental policy or another related field with a special focus on developing countries and/or economies in transition or;
• Five years of relevant professional experience in the absence of such a university degree;
• A minimum of three years of professional experience specifically related to the international environmental/sustainability policy field, the promotion of sustainable business practices in industry, (eco-) innovation and/or related topics;
• Knowledge in accessing and analysing national environmental and economic data, as well as policies relevant to promoting sustainability and innovation in SMEs;
• Expertise and extensive experience in development of policy assessments especially in the SME area. Specific knowledge of working within SMEs would be an asset.
• Previous experience in the development of market assessments and policy instrument analyses;
• Proven ability to write and present complex policy-related issues for a non-technical audience;
• Excellent English and Romanian, both written and spoken; and
• Excellent writing and analytical skills.

APPLICATION PROCEDURES: to apply for this role, please send to and the following documents:

  • National Identity Document/ Constituent document (EXTRACT from the national authority);
  • Confirmation of minimum required abilities (will be submitted a copy of the CV’s expert in English), signed, scanned and sent by email / employment contract / proof of the existence of contractual relations between the expert and the tenderer, as the case may be, other confirmatory documents regarding the experiences obtained);
  • Motivation letter (in English)


Published on 07/07/2021

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