Call for expression of interest: Looking for an implementing Partner to carry out the Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) and eco-labelling activities in Armenia


As part of the EU-funded “European Union for Environment” (EU4Environment) programme, UNEP is leading activities to promote Sustainable Public Procurement and Complementary Tools (i.e. eco-labelling) in Armenia.  Public procurement wields enormous purchasing power, accounting for an average of 12 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in OECD countries, and up to 30 percent of GDP in many developing countries. Shifting public spending towards more sustainable goods and services can generate positive social, environmental and economic results such as poverty reduction, improved equity, reduced GHG emissions and increased energy and resource efficiency. It also offers a largely untapped opportunity to drive businesses and domestic markets towards innovation and increased sustainability. SPP is thus emerging as a key policy instrument to support progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and leverage an inclusive green economy transition. Considering the above, UNEP is looking for a national implementing Partner to contribute to the delivery of SPP and eco-labelling activities in Armenia.

The selected Implementing Partner (IP) will lead the below-listed activities to promote SPP and eco-labelling in Armenia. UNEP will provide technical and overall guidance and will ensure quality control of the products as well coordination with other EU4Environment implementing partners. All work will be conducted in close consultation with the European Commission and the EU Delegation (EUD) in Armenia, who will be informed in advance of all activities and invited to participate therein. The IP will also work closely with the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, as well as with other national stakeholders on SPP and eco-labelling in the country.

The engagement of national actors, including key ministries and stakeholders, public e-procurement platform team, research institutes and academia, civil society, NGOs, EUD and other international organizations, is crucial for successful implementation of activities and application of SPP and eco-labelling. The Implementing Partner (and UNEP) will ensure for such engagement through national networks, dialogue and events.

Planned activities

All activities presented below will be implemented in the period from May to December 2023:

Activity 1. Conduct a national assessment of policy, legal, regulatory and institutional gaps for incorporating sustainability criteria in the procurement process, and provide recommendations on how to address them.

Expected result: National assessment on SPP (status assessment and legal review).

Activity 2. Using UNEP methodology on SPP, prioritize products for SPP implementation (report).

Expected result: Report with justification of products (including energy efficiency products) prioritized for SPP.

Activity 3. Assess the availability of eco-labels for prioritized products for SPP (assessment/report).

Expected result: Availability of eco-labels for prioritized products for SPP assessed.

Activity 4. Elaborate SPP criteria and technical specifications for 3 selected products.

Expected result: SPP criteria and technical specifications for 3 selected products elaborated.

Activity 5. Draft SPP guidelines for three priority products (general and specific to the products).

Expected result: SPP Guidelines for 3 priority products drafted.

Activity 6. Support the preparation and launch of SPP pilot tenders for three priority products.

Expected result: 3-5 SPP pilot tenders for the prioritised products prepared and launched. Monitoring of the pilot tenders’ results is conducted.

Activity 7. Organize training on SPP for various stakeholders (economic operators, businesses including SMEs, contracting authorities, State Procurement agency staff etc.).

Expected result: Trainings on SPP for various stakeholders organized.

Activity 8. Develop and disseminate SPP communication materials.

Expected result: Communication materials produced and events organized.


All activities will be implemented in full compliance with EU visibility requirements. All the products (publications, communication materials, agendas on events, presentation slides, etc) should comply with EU visibility requirements.


This call for expressions of interest is open to any not-for-profit organization, think tank, university or research centre based in Armenia or in the Caucasus region. Proficiency in English and Armenian languages is required.

UNEP invites all interested potential partners to send their narrative on the implementation of the project’s activities. Previous experience in the implementation of SPP-related activities and knowledge of public procurement legal framework and e-procurement systems in Armenia are essential.

Selection criteria

The proposals will be evaluated and scored according to the following criteria (the maximum score for each quality is indicated in brackets):

  • Quality of the application (fully completed template, suggested budget plan, CVs) (2 points);
  • Technical capacity of applicant, including past/ongoing experience of the proposed project team (2 points);
  • Past/present partnerships/networks (including with governmental organizations) that the applicant can rely upon for the purposes of activities’ implementation (2 points);
  • The ability of the partner to continue promoting SPP and eco-labelling beyond the duration of the project (2 points).


To express interest in this assignment and/or receive further details on the project, please send us a succinct description (max. three A4 pages, font size 11) of your organization’s profile, experience and an overview of the proposed team with their functions in this assignment (attach respective CVs) no later than Monday 3rd of April 2023 to Ms. Lesya Nikolayeva ( and Mr. Alex Leshchynskyy ( at the UNEP Europe Office.

Published on 21/03/2023

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