Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production practices gain more popularity in Ukraine

In Ukraine, one of the EU4Environment Programme components is dedicated to organizing Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Clubs, a peer coaching mechanism that brings together companies from the manufacturing sector, located in the same region, to discuss and exchange best practices on resource-efficient production.

Two RECP clubs have been established in Poltava and Khmelnytsky regions in agreement with the Regional State Administrations, with technical facilitation provided by the national RECP Centre. The first meetings took place in December 2019.

Due to the range of meetings and trainings the RECP Club in Khmelnytsky region established a collaboration between three companies. An opportunity to use rubber and textile wastes from the companies “Chap Chap” LLC and “Robinson TIM” as raw material for the company “CRUMB ROBBY” LLC was identified, contributing to the reduction of industrial waste generation and integrating the circular economy principles in Khmelnytsky region.

Published on 16/09/2020

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