Regional seminar on better environmental inspections for stronger environmental resilience

The regional seminar on better environmental inspections for stronger environmental resilience took place on 5-6 December 2022 in Brussels, Belgium.

The main objectives of this regional seminar were to:

  • present and discuss findings of a draft OECD assessment report of the environmental compliance assurance system of Georgia, prepared within the EU4Environment framework;
  • facilitate an information exchange on the latest developments in environmental inspections, available guidance and tools, and lessons learnt.


Participants in this seminar were practitioners from environmental inspectorates and policy makers from the Eastern Partnership, EU and OECD countries; officials and experts from EU institutions and civil society representatives; the OECD Secretariat and representatives of the IMPEL network.


Environmental inspections is one of the traditional tools used by countries to monitor environmental compliance, and they play a key role in enforcing environmental regulations. Many Eastern Partnership countries have been recently undertaking reforms in the field of environmental inspections. Most of them adopted risk assessment methodologies for planning inspections in the last few years (Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine in 2019, and Moldova in 2018). Georgia and Moldova have developed draft laws on industrial emissions aimed at establishing integrated permitting and control. In addition, many countries plan to digitise information management processes related to inspections.


Summary record

Presentation slides

05 December 2022

Item 1. Welcome and introductions

Update on completed activities on environmental compliance assurance (Krzysztof Michalak and Olga Olson, OECD)

Item 2. Environmental compliance assurance system of Georgia

Legislative and institutional set-up (Olga Olson, OECD)

Legislative and institutional set-up: Part 1 | Part 2 (Neli Korkotadze, State Sub-Agency Department of Environmental Supervision of Georgia)

Monitoring of environmental compliance (Olga Olson, OECD)

Monitoring of environmental compliance – Results of inspections (Neli Korkotadze, State Sub-Agency Department of Environmental Supervision of Georgia)

Enforcement and promotion of compliance (Olga Olson, OECD)

Enforcement and promotion of environmental compliance (Neli Korkotadze, State Sub-Agency Department of Environmental Supervision of Georgia)

Item 3. Guidance and tools for conducting environmental inspections

EU policy framework and support activities (Miroslav Angelov, European Commission)

“Doing the Right Things” methodology (Rob Kramers, Knowledge Centre InfoMil, the Netherlands)

A non-routine inspection campaign in Sardinia and the IMPEL Landfill Inspection Guidance (Romano Ruggeri, Sardinian Environmental Protection Agency, Italy)

IMPEL’ s Integrated Risk Assessment Method (IRAM) and guidance on IED inspections (Horst Büther, Regional Government Cologne, Germany)

06 December 2022

Item 2. Transposition and implementation of the EU Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).

Experience of IED transposition in EaP countries.

Moldova’s law on industrial emissions  (Angela Panciuc, Ministry of Environment of Moldova)

State registry of control in the Republic of Moldova (Cristina Gheorghita, Ministry of Environment of Moldova)

Georgia’s Draft Law on Industrial Emission (Venera Metreveli, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia)

Implementation of the EU IED in Ukraine’s energy sector – Achievements and challenges: Part 1 | Part 2 (Olga Polunina, DiXi Group, Ukraine; Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum)

Progress on advancement of approximation of the EU IED: The cases of Georgia and Moldova (Nune Harutunyan, Regional Environmental Centre (REC) for the Caucasus, Armenian National Office)

Experience of IED implementation in EU Member States.

Experience of IED inspections within the EU (Simon Bingham, Scottish Environment Protection Agency)

Experience of Romania (Maria Mija, National Environmental Guard, Romania)

Experience of Poland (Małgorzata Budzyńska, Inspectorate of Environmental Protection of Poland)

OECD’s project on Best Available Techniques (BAT) (Berrak Eryasa, OECD)

Item 3. Additional latest developments on environmental inspections in the Eastern Partnership

The process of environmental inspection by the Environmental Protection and Mining Inspection Body of Armenia: Part 1Part 2 (Vrezh Galoyan, Environmental Protection and Mining Inspection Body of Armenia)

Inspections by the State Environmental Security Service of Azerbaijan (Nazim Makhmudov, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan)

Developments regarding environmental control in Ukraine.

Ukraine’s draft law on environmental control and recording/assessment of war damages (Oleksandr Stavniichuk, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine)

The role of the body in recording and documenting eco-crimes on the territory of Ukraine caused by armed aggression: Part 1 | Part 2 (Igor Zubovych, State Environmental Inspectorate of Ukraine)

Practical challenges in Ukraine’s environmental inspections (Anastasiia Zagoruichyk, Ukrainian NGO “Office for the Environment”)

Environmental inspections of major industrial installations: Proposed reforms on the way to the EU (Yelyzaveta Aleksyeyeva, Environment-People-Law, Ukraine)

The OECD regulatory enforcement and inspections toolkit and its application in the EaP (Giuseppa Ottimofiore, OECD)

Item 4. Conclusions

Update on the EU4Environment ongoing and future activities on environmental compliance assurance (Olga Olson, OECD)

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