Video test

Online training on EU best practices in environmental compliance assurance

This training consists of three modules. Each module lasts approximately 1 hour and consists of a video and related PowerPoint slides. This training presents examples of EU best practices in environmental compliance assurance. It offers support to the Environmental Ministries and Regulators to design and deliver effective policies and tools for promoting, monitoring and enforcing compliance with environmental regulations. The modules are available in English with interpretation into Russian language. The training is structured as follows: 

MODULE 1: Legislation, organizational design and permitting

The environmental acquis and the roadmap to implement it are becoming increasingly complex. This module sets out some simple ways to embed good practice and identifies ways to navigate common challenges in the cornerstone regulatory areas of legislation, organizational design and permitting.

MODULE 2: Compliance monitoring

This module focuses on the wider concept of compliance monitoring including inspections (site and desk based), sampling and emerging remote techniques for monitoring and assessing compliance. It also identifies opportunities to get more out of the limited resources regulators have in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.

MODULE 3: Promotion and enforcement of compliance

This final module completes the regulatory cycle, exploring good practices in compliance promotion and how to avoid pitfalls in enforcement. It also discusses new approaches to regulatory problem solving and identifies how flexible approaches may need to be taken to achieve regulatory goals.

The training has been designed and presented by Mr. Simon Bingham, International Development Manager with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. Mr. Bingham has been an environmental regulator for over 30 years, working in inspection, permitting and implementation of new legislation in the areas of waste, water, integrated regulation and radioactive substances. Mr. Bingham has almost 20 years of experience in international technical project management and capacity building. Notably, he was a Board Member and Expert Team Leader with the EU Network for Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law (IMPEL) for nine years and has led/participated in many reviews of country practices including in the Eastern Partnership region.

The training was developed as part of the “EU4Environment: Green Economy” Programme which aims to help the Eastern Partnership countries to preserve their natural capital and increase people’s environmental well-being. To that end, it supports environment-related action; demonstrates and unlocks opportunities for greener growth; and sets mechanisms to better manage environmental risks and impacts. The Action is funded by the European Union and implemented by five Partner organisations: the OECD, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the World Bank based on a budget of some EUR 20 million. The Action implementation period is 2019-24.

The training contributes to implementation of the EU4Environment component 3.2 on Environmental Compliance Assurance and Liability Regimes which aims to strengthen policies and tools for promoting, monitoring and enforcing compliance with environmental regulations and liability provisions in the Eastern Partnership countries.

The views expressed herein are those of the authors only and can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union, its members, the governments of the Eastern Partnership countries or the implementing partners.

These videos and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.

This training was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union.

Published on 22/05/2024 inVideo test

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