Webinar on the promotion of eco-labelling in the Republic of Moldova

The webinar took place on 18 December 2020 at 11:00-13:00 (Chisinau time) via online platform Interprefy. 

The webinar discussed the issues of eco-labelling and how the national legislation could be harmonized with the EU Directive. The progress on the elaborated eco-labelling related documents with support from the EU4Environment was presented (i.e. draft assessment on eco-labelling, draft Roadmap on elaboration of the Regulation on eco-labeling) for discussion.

The objectives of the workshop were to:

  • Present UNEP’s approach on eco-labelling and experience of EU countries;
  • Present and discuss the draft assessment of the legal framework on the ecolabelling in the Republic of Moldova.
  • Present and discuss the draft Roadmap on the elaboration of the Regulation on eco-labelling in Moldova in the framework of EU4Environment.


The participants included national stakeholders that are responsible for and/or deal with the eco-labelling issues in Moldova, as well as national authorities and institutions, civil society, international community and business representatives.


Consumer information tools – such as eco-labelling – can be used by producers to manage their production processes more sustainably and improve their sustainability performance over time. At the same time, consumer information is a tool for consumers to make informed choices around product purchase, use and end of life.

Under the EU-funded “EU4Environment” programme, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) aims to strengthen the capacity of the Republic of Moldova on sustainable public procurement and eco-labelling. This will be achieved through the provision of technical assistance, advisory services and capacity development/trainings to policy makers, procurement practitioners, businesses and business associations, as well as NGOs and other stakeholders.

Meeting documents:

Agenda (Romanian | English)

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